Πέμπτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2013

14 πράγματα που υπάρχουν στη φύση και δε θα το πιστεύετε

Η μητέρα φύση έχει δημιουργήσει πανέμορφα και εκπληκτικά πράγματα... Κάποια από αυτά είναι ακόμη και αφάνταστα! Όλα τα παρακάτω όσο δύσκολο είναι να το πιστέψετε είναι απολύτος αληθινά.

1.  “dirty thunderstorms.”
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 1 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 2 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
2.  Παγωμένες μπουρμπουλήθρες στη λίμνη Abraham
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 3 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
3. Υπόγεια φυσικές πηγές στο Mexico.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 4 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
4. Σπηλιά γιγάντιων κρυστάλλων στη Nacia, Mexico.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 5 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
5. Ιριδίζουσες ακτές της Vaadhoo, Maldives.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 6 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
6. Ανακλαστικές αλυκές στη Bolivia.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 7 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
7. Πυλώνες φωτός πάνω από τη Μόσχα.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 8 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
8. Φυσικό συντριβάνι θαλασσινού νερού στις ακτές του Oregon.

the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 9 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

9. Πανέμορφοι σχηματισμοί ψαμμίτη στην Arizona.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 10 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
10. Πολύχρωμοι ευκάλυπτοι στην Kailua, Hawaii.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 11 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 11 2 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
11. Οι Blood Falls στην Antartica.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 12 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
12. Γιγατιαίοι ιστοί αραχνών σε δέντρα στο Pakistan.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 13 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 13 2 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
13  Το υπόγειο δάσος στη λίμνη Kaindy.
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 15 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 15 2 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
14. Lake Hillier, Australia
the 15 craziest things in nature you wont believe actually exist 16 The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist



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